
Our services offer great value

Healthcare costs concern everyone in some way.  We know that and strive to make our services affordable.

As a result, our services offer great value as an investment in your good health.

Summit practitioners are committed to working with the starting point you define and customizing your treatment plan according to your preferences and tolerances.  Comfort, convenience and cost are the guiding principles used to tailor the treatment plans for the goals you defined.

Although consultations and treatments are not currently covered by OHIP,  most third party health insurance benefit plans will cover at least a part of the cost of your visits. Please check with your insurance provider to find out what your particular benefits package includes.

If you don’t have any health insurance benefit coverage, think about the “opportunity cost” of not including natural approaches in your health care. You are reading this because, on some level, you’re not satisfied with your health and/or your treatments as they are now. If natural health treatments can bring you to a new level of wellness, it would be  a worthwhile “investment”.

We encourage you to learn more.  Book a free 20 minute introductory visit to share your interests or concerns, and discuss how we would approach your case and the associated healthcare costs.

Call 416-236-7642 or click.