Body Whispers, Warning Signs

The problem for me, and some of the other readers, was that the article presented these “warning signs” without much context. Sometimes a headache is just a headache. The key thing is figuring out if what your body is whispering to you is a passing complaint or a cry for help, and context helps you do that.

Stress Management: Burnout or Balance

It’s your choice. Burnout. Sometimes it charges into your life. Sometimes it sneaks up on you. Serious burnout results from the interplay of circumstances and personality.  Circumstances such as your job, financial and relationship stresses.  Personality factors such as ambition/drive, altruism, and degree of comfort in setting boundaries. Your health plays a role too, especially…

Stealth Vegetables

Children of all ages (and some adults, too) can be picky eaters. Ensuring they eat a healthy variety of vegetables can be difficult. If this is your challenge, you’ll find some strategies here for turning vegetables into nutritional ninjas who will sneak into the diets of your picky eaters.

The Basics of Good Nutrition

Eat a variety of fresh, whole foods most of the time.Foods provide the greatest nutrient value when they are fresh. Canned and processed foods provide fewer nutrients, along with other undesirable ingredients. Frozen foods provide a nutrient level that is midway between fresh and processed. The healthiest foods will always be fresh items that you…

Advanced Nutritional Information

The Main Focus The brain is very sensitive to changes in blood sugar (glucose). Research has shown low glucose can alter the perception of pain [1]. Low glucose can also contribute to fatigue [2]. Given that pain and fatigue are the main symptoms of many “invisible illnesses, it make sense that moderating glucose fluctuations could…

Recipe Index

Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Centuries later, Michael Pollan said “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” These quotes demonstrate that the foundation for excellent health has not changed much through time – it is still very rooted in our diets. These delicious recipes will entice you to…

Strategies for Managing Dietary Protein

What are some strategies to sneak more protein into one’s diet? It’s not difficult to get enough protein. Adults require a 0.8 – 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. Once you work out what your target intake is, familiarize yourself with the protein content of your favourites. If you can’t tolerate a lot of…

Demystifying Popular Diets

The internet is a great source of information but unfortunately not all of the information is of good quality, and this is especially true regarding diets, nutrition and health.  As a result, many people are confused about diets: low carb, low fat, high protein, Keto, Paleo and so on.  Here are some typical questions: What…

9 Tips For Easier Dieting

How can you make dieting easier? Some people find changing the way they eat incredibly difficult. They view it as a committment to a lifetime of deprivation. If you have to stop eating foods that cause symptoms of disease, such as gluten, the “deprivation” will result in better health. If you are making changes to…