Rx: Laughter

The following video got me giggling…I hope it does the same for you.

Things Happy People Do

Research has shown that people who consistently perceive themselves to be happy engage in certain behaviours on a regular basis that contribute to their happiness.  Adopting these behaviours can help less happy people change their state. Here is a list of some of the things happy people do: Express GratitudeWe all have wants and needs,…

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

The Consequences Of Stress “Addiction” In the last article, you learned how stress can become “addictive”. In this article, you’ll see how stress addiction leads to a condition NDs call “adrenal fatigue”.

Are You A Stress Addict?

Are You Addicted To Stress? Stress is a fact of everyday life that can have more of an impact than we realize. Stress changes the chemistry of our bodies in ways that can have long term significance. This article looks at the physical changes induced by stress that can lead to stress “addiction” as well…