Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fats are built from component pieces known as fatty acids. The omega 3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids with some distinct properties. They are especially known for having anti-inflammatory effects, and for supporting the development and ongoing health of the nervous system and brain as well as cardiovascular health. There are…

Water: Is Alkaline Water A Miracle Or A Scam?

The internet has made it easy to promote products of questionable value that claim to provide health benefits.  It is prudent to verify the health claims before spending extra on these items.  Here is an example: What is the benefit of alkaline ionized water to health? There are no credible health benefits attributable to alkaline…

Water: Quality

Does Water Quality Matter? This is the second of 2 articles looking at the importance of water.  In the first article, I discussed the importance of quantity – ensuring that you’re drinking enough.  In this article, I’m going to look at the importance of water quality. In North America, we have access to an abundance of water…

Water: Quantity

You might not think of water as a nutrient, but it is. It is the essential ingredient that makes the life processes of our bodies possible. The Importance Of Water You know that going more than a few days without enough to drink can be fatal.  Do you know why?  We have trillions of cells in our…