
Plato said, “The cure of the part should not be undertaken without the treatment of the whole”. Homeopathy is a form of natural, energetic medicine focused on treating the whole.

We often get asked “What is the difference between homeopathy and naturopathy?”

Homeopathy is a specific form of treatment within the field of natural health.  Naturopathy is the practice of natural medicine and may involve many forms of treatment, including homeopathy.

Homeopathy is a form of natural, energetic medicine that was developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century. Homeopathic medicines are made from plant, animal or mineral products which are so diluted that there is no chance of toxicity. Homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe. Current usage around the world varies from two percent of people in the United States using homeopathy in any one year to 15 percent in India, where it is considered part of Indian traditional medicine. Homeopathy is also commonly used throughout Europe.

Homeopathic medicines are intended to be taken for a limited time, i.e. for only as long as the symptoms exist. If the symptoms disappear, it is not necessary to take the medicine any longer. If the symptoms change, a different remedy may be needed to most accurately fit the new set of symptoms.